Does eating healthy fats help you lose or gain weight? The truth is you need to incorporate healthy fats into your diet to burn fat. Fatty foods that are actually healthy for you include avocados, cheese, dark chocolate, eggs, mixed nuts, and certain types of fish like salmon and tuna.

1. Burn Fat

According to the Mayo Clinic, eating healthy foods like avocados actually helps you fight stubborn belly fat and burn off even more calories. Not to mention, avocados are jam-packed with key nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. When adding healthy fats to your diet, make sure to eat in moderation.

2. Stay Full Longer

Good news, eating healthy fats can help curb your appetite. Super-healthy fats contain high amounts of monosaturated fats which makes you feel full and satisfied longer. Not only does this help ward off unwanted hunger, but it’s all part of a healthy and consistent diet.

3. Build More Muscle

The concept of fat seems to be quite misunderstood, especially in the world of fitness. Healthy fats are essential to giving your body proper nutrition, fuel, and support for building muscle. To gain strength and lose fat, you need a well-balanced diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

More and more experts today tend to agree on the health benefits of eating good fats to burn more fat. Although, some research suggests this is actually untrue and should be avoided for losing weight.


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