Small lifestyle changes can make all the difference in creating a healthier and happier life. Live life to the very fullest by following these 5 easy steps to prolonging your life.

1. Eat Well

The number one rule for carrying out a long and prosperous life is to stay healthy by eating healthy. Making the switch to eat better and limit smoking and drinking are all ways you can live longer. Healthy foods to prolong life include vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, fish, and proteins.

Cooking Photo Credit: PeopleImages (iStock).

Photo Credit: PeopleImages (iStock).

2. Exercise

A recent study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that adults who regularly exercise are healthier and less likely to develop chronic illnesses than adults who aren’t physically active. Regular exercise keeps your body in good shape and could increase life expectancy. Walking just 30 minutes a day can boost your health, mood, and memory.

Exercise Photo Credit: NickyLloyd (iStock).

Photo Credit: NickyLloyd (iStock).

3. Stay Social

Socializing can surprisingly add many years to your life. Maintaining a social life yields several positive health benefits. Studies have shown that social interactions release endorphins, which boosts your mood and reduces stress. Spending more time with family and friends contributes to your overall health and happiness.

Family Photo Credit: SolStock (iStock).

Photo Credit: SolStock (iStock).

4. Sleep Well

A good night of rest could actually help you live longer. Quality sleep is vital for good health. Overall, sleep reduces stress, boosts immunity to fight sickness, and supports cardiovascular health. Take naps when you can and use the weekends for catching up on sleep lost during the week.

5. Take Vacations

Take a vacation and relax! It just so happens that vacations are one of the bests ways to living a happy and successful life. Whether it’s climbing a mountain or sitting on the beach, taking a trip is a good way to recharge and come back feeling even more motivated.

Travel Photo Credit: Halfpoint (iStock).

Photo Credit: Halfpoint (iStock).

Adopting these 5 easy lifestyle changes could add many years to your life.

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