Don’t let time carelessly slip right through your fingertips, especially if you’re close to approaching retirement. Here are 6 of the biggest regrets from retirees.
1. I Should Have Traveled More
One of the most frequent comments we hear today from retirees is, “I wish would have traveled more and even sooner”. If you can relate, the good news it’s not too late. Start planning a lifetime of adventures by traveling to bucket-list destinations with family and friends.

Photo Credit: Halfpoint (iStock).
2. Take More Chances in Life
Don’t look back on your life with big regrets. Many wish they would have taken more chances in life! After all, you only get one shot. Apply to your dream job. Start your own business. Take the road less traveled on. Very often, taking risk opens to the door to even greater opportunities.

Photo Credit: michelangeloop (iStock).
3. Refusing to Make Peace With Family Members
Life is just too short, especially for pointless drama and endless family feuds. Burry the hatchet and mend any bad relationships you have with family members and even old friends. Learn how to forgive and let go of grudges and bitterness.
4. Not Trusting Your Intuition
How many times have you looked back on life and wish you would have listened to your own intuition? Unfortunately for many retirees, it’s been countless times. The biggest mistake you can make is not listening to our intuition, also known as a voice of reasoning. Trust your gut feelings and follow your intuition!

Photo Credit: Solovyova (iStock).
5. Not Taking Care of Your Health
As you plan for retirement, your health is certainly a critical factor. Many retirees can relate to this one and regret not taking better care of themselves in their younger years. Don’t let this happen to you. Take care of your health, reduce stress, eat well, and exercise weekly!
6. Failing To Save More
Are you saving enough money for retirement? According to the Synchrony Bank, the average savings for retirement should be about 15% of your total income. When it comes to retirement, you’ll want to build a roadmap that sets you up for success. By saving early, you’ll be able to reach your financial goals and enjoy a stress-free retirement.
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