What does it mean to be a good neighbor? Here are 10 ways to be a good neighbor.

1. Say Hello

It may seem obvious, but the first step to being a good neighbor is to introduce yourself and your family. Greet neighbors by saying sharing a simple hello. You can even host a community get-together for everyone to really get to know each other in the neighborhood. Welcome new neighbors and show hospitality towards existing ones.

Friends Photo Credit: pixelfit (iStock).

Friends Photo Credit: pixelfit (iStock).

2. Be a Courteous Pet Owner

Properly looking after your pets will easily make you a good neighbor. Be courteous to your neighbors by keeping pets leashed, controlling barking, and always cleaning up after your dog. For more tips on being a responsible pet owner, click here.

3. Offer a Hand

Be helpful and offer your neighbors a hand when needed. Help an elderly neighbor bring in groceries or house-sit for your neighbors when they are on vacation. Your kind efforts will certainly be appreciated and your neighbor will most likely return the favor.

Home Photo Credit: wastesoul (iStock).

Photo Credit: wastesoul (iStock)

4. Be Mindful of Your Neighbors

Don’t disrupt your neighbors with loud noises. Turn your music down and quietly close car or house doors. If you’re planning on staying out late one night, try not to make too much noise when coming home. Being a good neighbor means being friendly, considerate, and respectful.

5. Look Out For Each Other

Good neighbors always look out for each other. Whether it’s a simple favor like grabbing a package off your neighbor’s front porch or watching out for any unusual activity in the neighborhood, your efforts certainly won’t go unnoticed. At the end of the day, it’s nice to have neighbors you can count on.

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6. Maintain Curb Appeal

Not only will a messy-looking yard make your home look untidy, but it will likely drive your neighbors crazy. By pulling weeds, picking up after your kids, and decorating your front porch you could have the best looking home in the neighborhood. Keep your home, landscape, and garden in tip-top shape!

Landscape Photo Credit: dpproductions (iStock).

Photo Credit: dpproductions (iStock).

7. Create Space

Next door neighbors make great friends, but it’s also important to create some space between each other. Life is busy and sometimes we don’t always have the time to chat. Respect each other’s property and set healthy boundaries between neighbors.

8. Avoid Being Nosy

Noone likes a nosy neighbor! Similar to giving your neighbors some space, avoid snooping around your neighbor’s property or asking intrusive questions. Be a respectful neighbor and mind your own business.

9. Don’t Be a Rule Breaker

Be a good neighbor and follow the rules! This means adhering to HOA guidelines or complex rules and regulations. Having a good understanding of the rules set forth in your neighborhood makes it easy to follow them. Plus, it will help you stay on good terms with your neighbors.

Neighborhood Photo Credit: ErimacGroup (iStock).

Photo Credit: ErimacGroup (iStock).

10. Stay in Touch

Don’t be a stranger. Stay in touch on what’s happening around the community through social media groups or neighborhood text messages. Make friends with your neighbors by sharing recipes, family news, home tips, and more!

Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with terrible neighbors! Follow these simple and easy tips to being a good and respectful neighbor.