Do you change your sheets regularly? If you answered no, then you might want to take a look at these 4 terrifying reasons why you should wash your sheets more often.

1. Dust Mites

Your home is literally crawling with millions of dust mites. This includes the carpets, sofa, beds, and even your very own clothing. To prevent infestations or severe allergies to dust mites, change your pillowcases and sheets every 10 to 14 days.

Laundry Photo Credit: PeopleImages (iStock).

Photo Credit: PeopleImages (iStock).

2. Breeding Ground for Bacteria

Did you know your bed sheets are actually pretty gross? It’s true, bed sheets are covered in things like fungi, bacteria, mites, and even deadĀ skin cells. Keep your bed sheets clean and bacteria-free by washing them often and drying on a high-heated cycle to kill off any lingering germs.

3. Dogs In The Bed

A recent study discovered that 42% of pet owners allow dogs to sleep in their beds. Although many see little or no harm in this act, dogs actually add more bacteria to your bed sheets. If you’re letting fido sleep in your bed with you at night, then you may want to consider washing your sheets more often than usual.

Dog Photo Credit: Solovyova (iStock).

Dog Photo Credit: Solovyova (iStock).

4. Spread of Infection

Keep your bed linens clean to prevent the spread of infection. From common colds to irritatingĀ skin infections, dirty bed sheets put you at higher risk for infection. You can easily get rid of germs that cause infection by washing your sheets and pillowcases on the hottest cycle on your washing machine.

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Wash your sheets regularly on high temperatures and keep your bed clean and safe from harmful bacteria.